white outline of a dragonfly on green background

If you have read my other blogs you know that I have my own website design business, Add A Little Digital Services. I also volunteer my time as a contributor to the open-source WordPress project. I am a team rep and content creator for the training team which is part of Learn WordPress

 I sit here looking at my calendars. Yes, I have multiple: one on the wall, one on my phone and laptop, and a notebook-styled one. You would think I have my act together. That I am sooo organized with the pretty purple, blue, and green written words and times. I try. 

I like routines but I don’t like routines.

I like to have a list of activities I do each day but I don’t like being confined by time. Counting every minute just isn’t how I like to spend my day. 

Stopping at a certain time so I can enjoy other activities is the balance I need. To spend time in the garden or take an adventure to explore a new place. I am going to stop now because I have gone over my work time for today and I want to get outside and move some dirt into my garden. But, will I? 

That is the beauty. I have the choice.